Fall 2023
Summer 2023
Spring 2023
Fall 2022
Fall 2021
Summer 2021
Fall 2020
Summer 2019
Fall 2018
Summer 2018
Spring 2018
Fall 2017
Summer 2017
Spring 2017
Fall 2016
Spring 2016
Fall 2015
- "Learning about Resilience", Keynote, International Conference on "Process Safety Management", organized by PZU, Warsaw, October 2023.
Summer 2023
- “Challenges of the Future”, Keynote, Genius Salon, Trzebieszowice, June, Poland, 2023.
- Recipient of the Genius Award in Science, Genius Salon, Trzebieszowice, June, Poland, 2023.
- Short invitation, “Tomasz Arciszewski: Worker, Politician, Prime Minister”, one-day conference, Institute de Republica, Helenow, June, Poland, 2023. (https://iderepublica.pl/aktualnosci/2023/07/03/prof-andrzej-przylebski-o-premierze-tomaszu-arciszewskim-dzialal-na-rzecz-polski-polakow-oraz-polonii-az-do-konca-swoich-dni/)
Spring 2023
- “Inventive Engineering III a three-day training session for the members of the Organization of State-Owned Large Companies, “Economic Safety of Poland”, Lublin, May, Poland, 2023.
- “Modern Brain Storming”, Lublin, May, Poland, 2023.
- “Visual Thinking”, Lublin, May, Poland, 2023.
- “Systems Approach to Knowledge Representation”, Lublin, May, Poland, 2023.
- “Outline of the Theory of Rough Sets”, Lublin, May, Poland, 2023.
- “Machine Learning in the Analysis and Verification of Knowledge Representation” (Co-operation Dr. L. Paszkiewicz and M. Fifowski), Lublin, May, Poland, 2023.
Fall 2022
- “Inventive Engineering II: a two-day training session for the members of the Organization of State-Owned Large Companies, “Economic Safety of Poland”, Lublin, December, Poland, 2022.
- “Many Faces of Human Creativity”, Lublin, December, Poland, 2022.
- “Historical and Scientific Foundation of Human Creativity”, Lublin, December, Poland, 2022.
- “From Mind Maps to Ontology, i.e. Knowledge Acquisition and Representation”,
- “Morphological Analysis”, Lublin, December, Poland, 2022.
- “Inventive Engineering: 1. Introduction” ”, a two-day training session for the members of the Organization of State-Owned Large Companies, “Economic Safety of Poland”, Lublin, March, Poland, 2022.
- “Transdisciplinarity and Innovation”, keynote, Conference on “Interdisciplinarity: the Key to Innovation,” “Tygiel” (Melting Pot), Lublin, March, Poland, 2022.
- “Interdisciplinarity, Transdisciplinarity and Innovation”, invited talk, SatRevolution, Wroclaw, March, Poland, 2022. Participation in the meeting of the Science Advisory Board, SatRevolution, Wroclaw, March, Poland, 2022.
- “Compassionate Leadership” University of Nature and Partnership for Successful Education, Wroclaw, April, Poland, 2022.
- “Innovative Poland and Vision of TPD and Helenow”, keynote, Warsaw, (“Helenow), April, , Poland, 2022.
Fall 2021
- “Mind Mapping”, seminar, Partnership for Successful Education, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2021.
- “Morphological Analysis”, seminar, Partnership for Successful Education, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2021.
- “Human and Machine Creativity”, ASSA, High School for Creative Students, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2021.
- “Well-Being”, ASSA, High School for Creative Students, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2021.
Summer 2021
- “Leadership and Creativity”, a three-day leadership and creativity training for a group of TPD (Society of Friends of Children) leaders, Helenow/Warsaw, Poland, June, 2019.
- “Successful Education”, seminar, Partnership for Successful Education, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2021.
Fall 2020
- (with Fadli, F.) “Resilience in Architecture and Engineering”, webinar, Harrisonburg, USA, and Doha, Qatar, October, 2020.
Summer 2019
- Participated as a guest of honor in the 100-year anniversary celebration of the Polish Society of the Friends of Children (TPD), Warsaw, Poland. It is an organization established by his grandfather in 1919.
- “21st Century TPD Leaders,” a two-day leadership and creativity training for a group of TPD leaders, Helenow/Warsaw, Poland.
- Participated in the 20-years anniversary celebration of the ASSA School in Wroclaw, Poland.
- "Secrets of Success” a seminar for a group of instructors and students, the ASSA School, Wroclaw, Poland.
- Participated in several events during the visit of Dr. Bob Kolvoord, the Dean of the School of Integrated Science and Engineering, James Madison University, VA, USA, at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland.
- Participated in a working meeting of the Partnership for Successful Education, Wroclaw, Poland.
- Participated in a meeting of the research and development team working on the Arciszewski’s invention of a temporary crash barrier, Olawa and Wroclaw, Poland.
- Participated in the Summer School “Design Solutions” at the University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia. Conducted four sessions (lectures and team problem solving) on “Engineering Creativity”.
- Participated in the visit of Dr. Bob Kolvoord, the Dean of the School of Integrated Science and Engineering, James Madison University, VA, USA, at the Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland.
- Participated in the experts seminar organized by the Citizens Congress (a non-profit and bipartisan organization) on “Industry 4.0” and gave a talk on “How to win the Technological Race," Warsaw, Poland.
Fall 2018
- "Inventive Engineering: The Key to Engineering Creativity", plenary talk, the 2nd Global Conference and Expo on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2018.
- "100 Years of Polish Independence: Late Prime Minister Tomasz Arciszewski", two sessions for high school students, (including talks by professional historians), Wroclaw and Dobroszyce, Poland, November 2018.
- Two days of working inventive sessions with a group of engineers from the NYSA Car Company, Wroclaw, Poland, November 2018.
- "Inventive Engineering", two days of lectures for a group of engineers at Sitek, a car seat manufacturing company own by VW, Polkowice, Poland, November 2018.
- "Modern Leadership based on Mindfulness, Selflessness and Compassion", seminar, part of a two-day session on Successful Education, Partnership for Successful Education, Dobroszyce, Poland, November 2018.
- A two-day session on Successful Education, active participation, Partnership for Successful Education, Dobroszyce, Poland, November 2018.
- Celebration of the 100 Years of Poland's Independence, participation in several events on the invitation from Poland's President, Warsaw, Poland, November 2018.
Summer 2018
- Our family has grown this summer to include two playful boxer puppies. If you'd enjoy seeing some photos, send me a private note as it'd be wonderful to hear from you.
- “Inventive Engineering in the Development of the Polish Energy Industry”, seminar, Parliamentary Group for Mining and Energy, Polish Parliament, Warsaw, Poland, June 2018.
- Series of working inventive sessions with a group of researchers and engineers, Nysa Car Company, Wroclaw, Poland, June 2018.
- “Future TPD”, keynote, conference of the Polish Society of Friends of Children (TPD), Warsaw, Poland, June 2018.
- Series of lectures on mindfulness, selflessness and compassion-based leadership for a group of administrators, Nysa Car Company, Wroclaw, Poland, June 2018.
- “Innovation Secrets. Recommendations for the Lower Silesia”, lecture, half-day conference, co-lecturer the Polish Minister of Education Anna Zalewska, Swidnica, Poland, June 2018.
- “Innovation is a System”, seminar, the University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, June 2018.
- Working meeting with a group of innovation administrators from the University of Ljubljana and the University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, June 2018.
Spring 2018
- "Innovation is a System", Walbrzych Innovation Center, seminar, Walbrzych, Poland, August 2018.
- "Problem Identification", lecture for a group of researchers and engineers, Nysa Car Company, Wroclaw, Poland, August 2018.
- Series of working inventive sessions with a group of researchers and engineers, Nysa Car Company, Wroclaw, Poland, August 2018.
- “Inventive Engineering in the Development of the Polish Energy Industry”, seminar, Parliamentary Group for Mining and Energy, Polish Parliament, Warsaw, Poland, June 2018.
- Series of working inventive sessions with a group of researchers and engineers, Nysa Car Company, Wroclaw, Poland, June 2018.
- “Future TPD”, keynote, conference of the Polish Society of Friends of Children (TPD), Warsaw, Poland, June 2018.
- Series of lectures on mindfulness, selflessness and compassion-based leadership for a group of administrators, Nysa Car Company, Wroclaw, Poland, June 2018.
- “Innovation Secrets. Recommendations for the Lower Silesia”, lecture, half-day conference, co-lecturer the Polish Minister of Education Anna Zalewska, Swidnica, Poland, June 2018.
- “Innovation is a System”, seminar, the University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, June 2018.
- Working meeting with a group of innovation administrators from the University of Ljubljana and the University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, June 2018.
Fall 2017
- “Human and Machine Creativity: 45 Years of Research”, Studium Generale open lecture, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2017.
- “Leadership, Resilience, Creativity and Successful Education”, open lecture, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2017.
- “How to write successful Research Papers”, professional training session for researchers and designers from NYSA Motor Company, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2017.
- “Introduction to Inventive Engineering”, professional training session for researchers and designers from NYSA Motor Company, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2017.
- “Successful Education: the Key to the Future”, lecture for students and instructors, ASSA High School, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2017
- “Successful Education: The Key to Progress”, lecture for instructors, Creativity High School, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2017.
- “Inventive Engineering”, nano course (12 hours), the University of Economics, Wroclaw, October, 2017.
- “Inventive Engineering: From Empathy to Evolutionary Computations”, two seminars at the National Taiwan University and the National University of Tainen, Taiwan, September, 2017.
- “Inventive Engineering”, micro course (16 hours), the National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, September, 2017.
- “Inventive Engineering: the Key to Innovation”, keynote, Conference on “Innovation and Development in the Asian Century, Global Shifts in Technological Power”, Taipei, Taiwan, September, 2017.
- “Bioinspiration – your Key to Success”, seminar, Univerytet Wroclawski, Wroclaw, Poland, September, 2017.
- “Successful Education: the Key to Social Entrepreneurship”, Center for Social Entrepreneurship, Wroclaw, Poland, September, 2017.
Summer 2017
- “Inventive Engineering: The Key to Advanced Technologies”, keynote, Conference on “Advanced Forming Technologies in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction Industries, Technology and Innovation Center, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland, August, 2017.
- “Seven Secrets of Successful Engineers”, seminar, T3 Design, Fairfax, August, 2017.
- Four-day Bondurant Grand Prix Road Racing Course, graduate, (entitles to the SCCA Regional Racing Licence), Phoenix, July, 2017.
Spring 2017
- “Introduction to Inventive Engineering”, seminar, George Mason University, Fairfax, May, 2017.
- “Seven Secrets of Successful Scholars”, seminar, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA, April, 2017.
Fall 2016
- “Successful Education,” public lecture, the Helenow Rehabilitation, Education and Care Center of the Society of Friends of Children, Warsaw, Poland, November, 2016.
- “TRIZ Mysterious Contradiction,” keynote address, TRIZ Future Conference 2016, Wroclaw, Poland, October, 2016.
- “TRIZ: Theory and Practice,” public lecture, TRIZ Future Conference 2016, Wroclaw, Poland, October, 2016.
- “Successful Education,” seminar, the Wroclaw University of Nature, Poland, October, 2016.
- “Successful Education,” public lecture, Legnica, Poland, October 2016.
Spring 2016
- “Zwicky: Forgotten Father of AI,” invited talk, 2nd International Symposium on the General Morphological Analysis, Bilbao, Spain, June, 2016.
- “Co-evolutionary Approaches in Infrastructure Security,” mini talk during the panel discussion on “Cybersecurity,” the 7th National Congress on Innovative Economy, Warsaw, Poland, June, 2016.
- “Innovation is a System,” keynote, the National Wroclaw Startup Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, May, 2016.
- “Inventive Engineering in Design and Construction,” 60 hours of lectures and problem solving classes, Technical University of Kielce, Kielce Poland, May, 2016.
- “Inventive Engineering,” lecture for faculty and students, Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, April, 2016.
- “Inventive Engineering,” lecture for faculty and students, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, April, 2016.
Fall 2015
- “Inventive Engineering,” series of 12 large audience (50-500 people) public lectures, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2015.
- “Well-Being and Creativity,” keynote, National Children and Youth Science Congress, November, Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2015.
- “Renaissance and its Creators: Secret Knowledge as a Key to Personal and Inventive Successes,” invited lecture, the “Polish-American Innovation Bridge,” Krakow, Poland, November, 2015.
- “Inventive Engineering,” two lectures for the Board and the research and development staff of Brenderup, (An international European company manufacturing trailers), Wroclaw, Poland, November, 2015.
- “Engineering Creativity and Innovation,” lecture for a group of about 65 Members of the Board and engineers of Dorbud, (Large construction company operating in Poland and in central Europe), Kielce, Poland, November, 2015.